I want to talk to you about the “MARK OF THE BEAST” based on the Bible.

When does the Antichrist show up? Well according to 2 Thes. The Restrainer has to be taken out of the way BEFORE the Antichrist can be revealed. Prior to that point the Antichrist is merely the son of perdition/the man of lawlessness. He does not come in immediately beheading people after the rapture. Daniel says he comes in peace and flatteries first.

How does the vaccine look like a candidate as the Mark of the Beast? Well they can’t just vaccinate some people and let them run around without masks because the un-vaxxed people will be impossible to be found and they know it so they have come up with a plan to MARK the people who take their COVID vaccine—with an invisible ink tattoo (amazingly, AND NO I’M NOT KIDDING: with a new technology called luciferase they can put an invisible tattoo tracking device on you that WITHOUT this “MARK” you won’t be able to buy, sell, trade, work, travel) IT’S NEVER BEEN ABOUT THE COVID THING—IT’S ABOUT CONTROLLING HUMANITY—BILL GATES NEVER RETIRED MICROSOFT TO HELP HUMANITY—HE’S BEEN BUSY WORKING ON HUMAN TRACKING DEVISES TIED TO HIS MICROSOFT COMPUTER SYSTEM (EMPIRE)—AND YOU THOUGHT HE WAS A GOOD GUY ALL THIS TIME…….

Why is the Covid vaccination highly suspect as the Mark of the Beast? If you look up Bill Gates’ Cryptocurrency Patent 060606 applied for June 2019 you will uncover a lot of clues. Cryptocurrency is a a nanochip to be inserted in the human body that tracks things like blood pressure; heart rate; temperature remotely within someone. Nanochips are microscopic. Once they go in, they aren’t coming out. Bill Gates/Microsoft has been involved together with Verichip a human microchipping company since 2008 (do the math).

Who is Bill Gates? He is the owner of Microsoft and a multi-billionaire. His father was in charge of Planned Parenthood whose founder Margaret Sanger believed in culling the population specifically black babies through abortions (she was a racist). Likewise, Gates’ parents supported Planned Parenthood and eugenics, and human depopulation. Gates has not been shy about his interest in eugenics and depopulation and comes out and talks about his plans leading to depopulation (because there are too many of us). He had a lot of involvement with testing vaccinations in Africa that has left many dead, maimed, and sterilized (look it up—do your homework). He is also connected to many Satanists and participates in Satanic groups.

What is the goal of cryptocurrency? It is to have the ultimate “FEEDBACK” from a human being who interacts with Microsoft software: tracking vital data while the person utilizes the computer: like heart rate, blood pressure, temperature, for example. Imagine—people you don’t even know having that kind of information about you from a remote location somewhere, tracking your vital organs in conjunction with your computer use. Plus knowing details on your life like what you are allergic to and what you require to live such as medicines. Plus, all kinds of personal information, buying habits, finances….

How do we know this is an Antichrist system? Because everything that is sold has to have a barcode on it. The tattoo or mark will be required by people prove they have taken the vaccine with cryptocurrency to be able to “buy or sell”. Sound familiar? It’s in Revelation that only those with the Mark will be able to buy or sell. Not only do country leaders want this, they will require it and are already planning to use military to force this program.

Why would this system not be of GOD? Because it is NOT going to be optional. Without assimilating into this system you will not be able to function in the world, work, buy, sell. GOD never forces HIS ways on ANYONE. For GOD ALL is a choice. Only Satan is involved in this kind of torment, to force someone to take something against their will without an option to decline.

How else can we know this is not of GOD? Because the enemy is all about “being as GOD” and one way he would desire to achieve that goal is by an artificial means of being “omnipresent” by knowing details about people by microchipping and tracking them. So essentially GOD is saying: “Do you want my Omnipresence or Satan’s omnipresence?” In Genesis, the serpent told Eve they would be as gods by eating from the Tree of the KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL. This chip and vaccine is the “good” from that tree. It is man’s “good” through chipping, vaccinating, and tracking people outside of GOD’s Will/plan. Men are saying, “We can do good and we don’t need GOD.” “We can solve all the problems of the world—and we don’t need a GOD.” And yes, GOD is completely out of this equation.


And so what about today, should you opt for this technology? Well given the evil history on this technology and the definite evil future for this technology—my question is do really want to be part of it now? I would never tell you it’s okay. What if I am wrong, you would go to hell, is that a risk you want to take?