"And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six." (Revelation 13:16-18)

Gradual conditioning and manipulation until habituation sets in are the tools of satan and his (earthly) followers.This also applies to the number of the Beast, 666.People in the New Age Movement are encouraged to promote, disguised or not, this number 666 as much as they possibly can. You should know they consider it a "holy" number.At places where there is (still) opposition to this number the strategy is, at least for the time being, to conceal the number until people are conditioned to such an extent that the camouflage can eventually be removed.

They also dare to promote it more and more openly. Here in Holland for example readers of magazines, newspapers, tv viewers, etc are regularly confronted with the numbers of so called sex telephone lines. Those numbers conspicuously contain sixes and nine's ( = inverted sixes). Another channel through which the ignorant masses are reached and being conditioned. But, you may ask yourself, isn't this just only coincidence' ? No, of course not. Hardrockbands have been openly promoting the number 666 for many years now to a relatively small group of supporters, but this is only a small part of the entire population. Naturally, the rest of the population must also be gradually made ripe for the number of the beast so the threshold is much lower when the mark (Rev. 13: 16-18) with the number 666 or the name of the Beast is implemented in due time. Of course, the name of the Beast will also extensively be promoted whether this is Maitreya the false Christ or not.

In addition to several occult symbols we also see more and more symbols/designs and logo's that suspiciously look like a 6, the number of man, and even more sixes. So it's about time to dedicate an entire page to this. It is up to the reader to determine whether this is coincidence or not and you should ask yourself how much "coincidence" is "coincidence". This page especially fits in with the Signs of the Times and the (imminent) fulfillment of bible prophecy at a more frequent pace and you should view this page as such.

Most recent examples on top.






For those of you who (still) have difficulty linking these 'innocent' swirls to one of more sixes the image below is for you. Also pay attention to the snake's head. BTW it took some effort to get this one unto my harddisk.


Part of a DVD cover: How to become a wizard ? Click here for a higher resolution

Below a poster of the Dutch 'IKV' (Interkerkelijk Vredesberaad). A Peacemovement that was founded by nine Churches here in The Netherlands in 1966. The 'Dutch Reformed Church' is one of the mainstream Churches that participate in this movement. The poster says: RELIGIE = RELIGION, EN GEWELD = AND VIOLENCE, GELOVEN = TO BELIEVE and IN VREDE = IN PEACE.

affiche IKV



Vodafone ad. Click here for a higher resolution.




Ad in a Dutch newspaper.


From a toybrochure. (September 2002) Click here for a higher resolution.


Sent to us by a attentive reader in Amsterdam. Click here or a higher resolution.
'Volle maan' means 'full moon'

These images especially put online for those who consider this page just "crap"


Just a shop display here in The Netherlands. Quite a few "coincidences" don't you think ? The streetnumber of this shop which specializes in wintersportsarticles is... Yep, number 6.
P.S The website is only in Dutch. The logo in the form of a left - or right hand is from Teva footwear. Take a look at their site if you are looking for a 6666 (????) Style shoe. We are also wondering what a hand has got to do with shoes...

Part of a Harry Potter poster.

Harry Potter

A drinkyogurt carton (april '02)

drink yoghurt

Mc Donalds McFlurry

Mc Flurry

Editor's note concerning the picture below: We didn't see this one before. It hasn't been confirmed yet but we certainly do not want to keep it from you. It fits the prophetic picture rather well.

Back in 2000 Applied Digital Solutions used this below graphic for their Digital Angel product. The angel image on the left was a part of an early 'splash' screen for a GPS-based tracking device similar to OnStar or LoJack designed to be worn by or implanted in humans for medical monitoring, location of at-risk individuals, firearms control, and as " foolproof means of identification for e-commerce security "

The image in the center is the prior image inverted. Many people feel that the line drawing of the angel forms a clear and distinct pattern resembling the number 666 - the Number of the Beast from the Book of Revelations. The image on the right highlights this pattern. Was this design a deliberate act of sabotage or an unfortunate accident of design or a sign of the prophecy?

More on Applied Digital Solutions and Digital Angel on this page
