"And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six."
(Revelation 13:16-18) Gradual conditioning and manipulation until habituation sets in are the tools of satan and his (earthly) followers.This also applies to the number of the Beast, 666.People in the New Age Movement are encouraged to promote, disguised or not, this number 666 as much as they possibly can. You should know they consider it a "holy" number.At places where there is (still) opposition to this number the strategy is, at least for the time being, to conceal the number until people are conditioned to such an extent that the camouflage can eventually be removed.
Most recent examples on top of page. Meet Vodafone.co.uk (and the three disguised "sixes") Meanwhile, one got 'lost' in cyberspace. When a 6 is incorporated into the sun, as seen on this jelly jar etiquette and lid, it is no surprise they are also growing in the trees... (Courtesey: C1000 = a large supermarketchain here in Holland) The evolution of a 0 ? The prefix (see ellipse) is normally 0900
No comment ! Chewing gum ad. The package the woman is holding in her hand makes the third "V6" Coincidence ? You decide ! (July 2001) Click here for a higher resolution picture. Also see their vacancy Libertel -- Vodafone's (world's largest mobile phone operator with 78 million customers) new ad. (June 2001) Beneath the yellow line it reads: "Welcome to our New World" And this one is even more convincing...
The symbol at the left is on the cover of the corrupt 'New King James Version (NKJV-bible). Doesn't this symbol look familiar to you? Yes indeed, it looks pretty much the same as the Triodosbanklogo we saw earlier on this page. A key New Age "handbook" The Aquarian Conspiracy of New Age author Marilyn Ferguson also bears this symbol . New Agers freely admit it represents three inter-woven "6"s or "666"
But how, you may ask yourself, does this symbol contain triple six ? See the answer below. The symbol (with a circle ) is also displayed by the rockgroup Led Zeppelin. Members of Led Zeppelin are deeply involved in satanism and the occult. Guitarist Jimmy Page, so consumed with satanism, actually purchased Aleister Crowley's mansion. Most believe the symbol is from the teachings of Aleister Crowley and represents 666 The source of the above information is: "The New King James Version Counterfeit", of Terry Watkins. This is an interesting article that contains information on the corrupt NKJV-bible And what does Texe Marrs write on this old symbol in his article entitled "Mark of the Devil discovered ?" : And next those (Curly Alphabet) banners that pop up every now and then... More Harry Potter...
Uit een Harry Potter poster. No comment... Herinnert u zich nog de Apple l computer ? Bij de introductie in de V.S kostte hij precies $666.66. Een occulter getal bestaat er gewoonweg niet. Volgens andere bronnen is het ontwerp van deze computer gechanneld', dwz dat het ontwerp van deze computer demonisch van oorsprong is. Dat verklaart dan ook gelijk het bedrag... Dutch 666VACANCY ? Ed.note:The design of the above label could have been brought about as follows : What affinity do some banks have with , for instance, the number 6 ? At the left you see (part of) an ad of the Triodosbank here in The Netherlands. The header says in Dutch: "EEN GROENE LENTE, DE MOOISTE RENTE" = " A GREEN SPRING, THE FINEST INTEREST". The symbol (see upper red arrow) in the word 'GROENE' should be the letter 'G' but it isn't. At the left you see a large bank with many branches in The Netherlands. And below the conspicuous symbol on the red carpet, the unsuspecting customer is confronted with if he or she enters this bank. Please, also note the six dots. (what an amazing 'coincidence' isn't it ? Exactly six dots, whatever they may represent). To the right of the six dots (see left image) two (or three ?) 'interlinked' sixes. An irregular pattern of this peculiar symbol on this carpet throughout the entire bank. What message/signal are they trying to convey here ? More branches of this bank have this same carpet and we may assume that all banks will follow sooner or later. Soon to a ING bank near you ? detail http://home.wanadoo.nl/henryv/index_eng.html TO MAIN INDEX |