Daniël 12:4 " Maar gij, Daniël, houd de woorden verborgen, en verzegel het boek tot de eindtijd; velen zullen onderzoek doen, en de kennis zal vermeerderen."

De kennis is zeker vermeerderd in deze generatie. Volgens onderzoekstudies wordt de kennis elke 8 jaar verdubbeld. 80 procent van alle wetenschappers die ooit geleefd hebben leven nu. Iedere minuut voegen ze 2000 pagina's toe aan de menselijke wetenschappelijke kennis en de hoeveelheid materiaal die ze gedurende 24 uur produceren zou 5 jaar kosten om het te lezen. Ongeveer een half miljoen nieuwe boeken worden ieder jaar gepubliceerd.

Sinds 1970 heeft de computertechnologie zich zeer snel ontwikkeld. Zo snel dat als de autoindustrie gelijke tred zou hebben gehouden met de computerindustrie u een Rolls Royce had kunnen kopen voor minder dan tien gulden en had u er 8 op de punt van een speld kunnen plaatsen. De basis bouwsteen van een computer is de transistor. Deze werd uitgevonden in het laboratorium van Bell in 1948. In 1994 konden er 3.1 miljoen transistoren op een computerchip worden geïntegreerd. Tegen het jaar 2000 zal een chip meer dan één miljard transistoren kunnen bevatten. De apparatuur is tegenwoordig zo complex dat zelfs goed opgeleiden en getrainde mensen ze nog maar nauwelijks kunnen begrijpen.

Wat op deze plaats ook interessant is om op te merken is dat in de KJV-vertaling (King James Version-engelse bijbelvertaling uit 1611) ook nog staat vermeldt: " many shall run to and fro and knowledge shall be increased." (Daniel 12:4) Dus naast het feit dat de kennis zal vermeerderen, zullen ook veel mensen heen en weer reizen. Dit is dus ook een realiteit geworden sinds de uitvinding van bijv. de trein, auto en vliegtuig. Op zich weer een profetie die is uitgekomen. Hier blijkt ook weer, naast alle andere overvloedige voorspellingen die zijn uitgekomen of nog zullen uitkomen, hoe betrouwbaar de bijbel is.

Hieronder volgt een greep uit de technologische vindingen en ontwikkelingen van de laatste tijd.

Meest recente artikelen bovenaan.

Zoals gezegd gaan de ontwikkelingen op computergebied zeer snel. Een nieuwe supercomputer kan gemaakt worden met gewone Intelchips . U leest er hier meer over in dit alweer 4 jaar oude artikel van de Cutting edge.

090608: IBM bouwt snelste computer ooit -- LOS ALAMOS - De firma IBM heeft de snelste computer ter wereld gebouwd. De machine, Roadrunner genaamd, kan meer dan 1 biljard (miljoenmaal miljard) berekeningen per seconde uitvoeren. Dat meldde de New York Times maandag. Meer

071207: Nieuwe processortechniek IBM verkleint computers -- IBM heeft een nieuwe techniek gevonden om data te transporteren tussen de verschillende onderdelen van computerprocessors. Door hiervoor lichtpulsen te gebruiken neemt de snelheid en efficiëntie van processors toe, aldus de chipmaker. Meer

041007: Nanobuizen maken krachtiger chips mogelijk -- AMSTERDAM - Wetenschappers zijn er in geslaagd nanobuizen van koolstof te laten groeien op microchips. Dat maakt het mogelijk veel krachtiger chips te ontwikkelen. Meer

240907: De kwantumcomputer kan veel - op een enkel terrein. -- Kwantumcomputers worden vaak aangekondigd als dé volgende generatie computers die klussen in een oogwenk oplossen waar de huidige klassieke computer zijn tanden op stuk bijt. Kwantumcomputers zijn goed in factoriseren, het ontleden in priemgetallen. Dat is vervelend voor banken en andere instellingen die prijs stellen op geheimhouding. De huidige beveiligingssystemen ontlenen juist hun kracht aan de moeite die de huidige computers met factoriseren hebben. Meer

090907: Intel laat Pentium 4-architectuur geheel achter zich -- Intel introduceerde twee jaar terug de nieuwe basisarchitectuur Core voor zijn processoren. De aloude Netburst-basis van de Pentium 4-chips is nu geheel verlaten met de komst van de nieuwste quadcore-processoren. Meer

310807: IBM Stores Data on Single Atoms -- New nanotech breakthroughs have enabled IBM to measure magnetic fields at an atomic level and to build transistor-like switches from a single molecule. -- IBM Corp. has demonstrated how to perform certain computer functions on single atoms and molecules, a discovery that could someday lead to processors the size of a speck of dust, the company said Thursday. Researchers at IBM's Almaden Research Center in California developed a technique for measuring magnetic anisotropy, a property of the magnetic field that gives it the ability to maintain a particular direction. Being able to measure magnetic anisotropy at the atomic level is a crucial step toward the magnet representing the ones or the zeroes used to store data in binary computer language. More

040807: Flying saucer in production in the US

TOKYO (AP) -- Whizzing to work in a flying saucer seems like a futuristic fantasy reminiscent of George Jetson and his space-age pals.But that reality may be one step closer after US company Moller International embarked on a wacky 30-year quest to build a personal flying pod.More

210307: Pentagon Preps Mind Fields -- The U.S. military is working on computers than can scan your mind and adapt to what you're thinking. More

201106: Hitachi Brain Interface Allows Users to Control Model Trains -- More research being done in brain-machine interface technology. More

281006: Kiwi scientist makes DNA computer breakthrough -- An Albany scientist has developed a computer chip made from DNA molecules - the building blocks of life - that can store and execute computer programs within the body. More

051006: Scientists teleport two different objects -- LONDON, England (Reuters) -- Beaming people in "Star Trek" fashion is still in the realms of science fiction, but physicists in Denmark have teleported information from light to matter bringing quantum communication and computing closer to reality. More

250706: Scientists Say They've Found a Code Beyond Genetics in DNA -- Researchers believe they have found a second code in DNA in addition to the genetic code. The genetic code specifies all the proteins that a cell makes. The second code, superimposed on the first, sets the placement of the nucleosomes, miniature protein spools around which the DNA is looped. The spools both protect and control access to the DNA itself. More

200606: IBM presenteert supersnelle computerchip -- ARMONK - Het Amerikaanse technologieconcern IBM heeft een nieuwe computerchip ontwikkeld die honderd keer sneller loopt dan de huidige halfgeleiders en liefst 250 keer sneller dan chips in mobiele telefoons. Dat maakte het concern dinsdag bekend. Meer

250506: Honda says brain waves control robot

TOKYO (AP) -- In a step toward linking a person's thoughts to machines, Japanese automaker Honda said it has developed a technology that uses brain signals to control a robot's very simple moves. More

280306: Philips introduceert 3D-kijken zonder bril -- PURMEREND - De dag dat de consument in de huiskamer 3D gaat kijken is aankomende. In 2008 wil Philips met consumentenschermen op de markt komen die zowel om te schakelen zijn van het huidige 2D-kijken als naar het 3D zonder bril. Het moet dan zelfs mogelijk zijn om realtime beelden om te zetten naar 3D. Meer

210805: Wonderbaarlijke nanofolie -- Nanotechnologen uit Texas en Australie zijn erin geslaagd om een meterslang lint te trekken van nanobuisjes. Gewoon met de hand. De nanofolie is sterker dan staal, lichter dan papier, kan licht geven en zonlicht omzetten in elektriciteit. De onderzoekers struikelen over de mogelijkheden van hun wonderlijke nanofolie. Meer

190805: Picture this: 3D TV by 2020 -- Japanese national project aims to create high-definition, 'virtual reality' viewing from any angle -- TOKYO (Reuters) - Imagine watching a soccer game on a television that not only shows the players in three dimensions but also lets you experience the smells of the stadium and maybe even pat a goal scorer on the back. Meer

080605: Scientists Help Develop First Single Molecule Transistor -- A scientist at the University of Liverpool has helped to create the world's smallest transistor - by proving that a single molecule can power electric circuits. More

120405: Barcelona Boasts EU's Top Supercomputer -- BARCELONA, Spain (AP) - Europe's fastest supercomputer - an IBM that can make 40 trillion calculations per second - booted up for the first time Tuesday at a research center in Barcelona. More

260105: Radar to see through walls -- OTTAWA — Military researchers are developing a high-tech radar system that can see through walls, locating and tracking hidden enemies, hostage-takers or even avalanche victims buried under mounds of snow. More

291104: Scientists track footprints of thoughts -- Australian scientists have discovered a way to track the electronic footpath of a single thought travelling through the human brain. More

221004: Physicists Transfer Information Between Matter And Light; Advancing Quantum Communication -- A team of physicists at the Georgia Institute of Technology has taken a significant step toward the development of quantum communications systems by successfully transferring quantum information from two different groups of atoms onto a single photon. More

180804: Teleportation goes long distance -- Physicists have carried out successful teleportation with particles of light over a distance of 600m across the River Danube in Austria. More

240704: Scotty may soon be able to beam us up -- Physicists are working at the far reaches of theoretical science but even their most difficult and abstract ideas can have practical applications, as SIMON COLLINS reports When Captain James Kirk wanted to get the Starship Enterprise to the other side of the galaxy he ordered engineer Montgomery Scott to change "warp factor", and the ship was away. More

170604: New Intel chip to boost PC graphics Chips aimed at boosting performance as Intel looks to make computers entertainment centers. -- SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Intel Corp., the world's largest chip maker, is set to launch Thursday a highly-anticipated new chip designed to sharply improve and expand the power of personal computers. Intel is expected Thursday to officially mark the launch of its Grantsdale chip set, which will work in tandem with Pentium processors to give PCs more powerful sound and graphics, a speedier link for peripherals and memory, and give desktop PCs the ability to run a wireless data network. More

160604: Teleportation breakthrough made -- Scientists have performed successful teleportation on atoms for the first time, the journal Nature reports. The feat was achieved by two teams of researchers working independently on the problem in the US and Austria. More

060504: DNA robot takes its first steps -- A microscopic biped with legs just 10 nanometres long and fashioned from fragments of DNA has taken its first steps. The nanowalker is being hailed as a major breakthrough by nanotechnologists. The biped's inventors, chemists Nadrian Seeman and William Sherman of New York University, say that while many scientists have been trying to build nanoscale devices capable of bipedal motion, theirs is the first to succeed. More

300404: Quantum Computers Are A Quantum Leap Closer, Say Purdue Physicists -- WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. - A new breed of faster, more powerful computers based on quantum mechanics may be a step closer to reality, report scientists from Purdue and Duke universities. More

280304: NASA jet breaks speed record -- LOS ANGELES, California -- NASA has made aeronautics history by launching an experimental jet that reached a record velocity of just over seven times the speed of sound. More

220304: New DVD burners double capacity -- NEW YORK (AP) -- If you just bought a DVD-burning drive for your computer and think that for once you're current with the latest and greatest, it's disappointment time. Manufacturers are soon launching drives that can store double the amount of data on a disc. More

180304: NASA develops 'mind-reading' system -- A computer program which can read words before they are spoken by analysing nerve signals in our mouths and throats, has been developed by NASA. More

110304: Inventor patents device for ads in space -- MOSCOW, Russia (AP) -- Orion, the Big Dipper and Andromeda could be joined in the heavens by ads for soft drinks and cigarettes if a Russian inventor's device catches on. More

110204: Silicon discovery could speed up PCs -- SAN JOSE, California (AP) -- In an advance that could inexpensively speed up corporate data centers and eventually personal computers, researchers used everyday silicon to build a device that converts data into light beams. More
110204: Scientists clone human embryos -- WASHINGTON -- Researchers from South Korea say they have cloned human embryos and extracted from them stem cells in a development that experts hope could spark a medical revolution. More

110204: Elements 113 And 115 Discovered -- A team of Russian and American scientists are reporting today that they have created two new chemical elements, called superheavies because of their enormous atomic mass. The discoveries fill a gap at the furthest edge of the periodic table and hint strongly at a weird landscape of undiscovered elements beyond. More

181103: Computer 'will do 1000 trillion operations a second' -- Battelle Memorial Institute says it is building the world's fastest supercomputer. The machine, expected to be capable of 1000 trillion operations per second when completed in 2008, is being built at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee. Columbus-based Battelle, the world's largest independent, nonprofit research organisation, manages Oak Ridge and three other laboratories for the US Department of Energy. Battelle said the computer would be 300 times faster than a similar computer in Japan, called Earth Simulator, which can perform 35.8 trillion operations per second. More

230703: Cutting-Edge Science Creates Stain-Free Pants -- WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Scientists are wrestling with individual atoms to develop molecule-sized computers, tiny cancer-fighting robots that travel the bloodstream ... and stain-resistant trousers. More

090503: 'Bionic eye' breakthrough can allow the blind to see -- A "bionic" eye that can help the blind to see has restored partial vision to three people who lost their sight because of incurable disease. More

140403: Human genome finally complete -- The biological code crackers sequencing the human genome have said they have finished the job - two years ahead of schedule. More

240203: Computer Made from DNA and Enzymes -- Israeli scientists have devised a computer that can perform 330 trillion operations per second, more than 100,000 times the speed of the fastest PC. The secret: It runs on DNA. More

110203: Neuro-Chip from Infineon Can Read Your Mind - New Findings in Brain Research Expected -- Munich, February 11, 2003 – Infineon Technologies announces a breakthrough development for neurological science by means of a biosensor chip. Researchers at Infineon and the Max Planck Institute managed to record and process the electrical signals from nerve cells, so-called neurons, as exactly as never before. The "Neuro-Chip" amplifies the signals and transfers them to a computer system for processing. More

300103: Beam me up some qubits, Scotty -- LONDON -- Researchers "beamed" information that organized tiny bits of matter more than a mile (1.6 km) away, the farthest instance of teleportation yet reported, according a study in the Jan. 30 issue of Nature. More

011202: Digital image stored in single molecule -- An image composed of over 1000 bits of information can be stored in the atoms of a single molecule, US researchers have shown. More

191102: IBM starts work on computer to rival the human brain -- THE first supercomputers to approach and even surpass the processing power of the human brain are to be built by IBM, under a £184 million contract announced by the US Government yesterday. More

161102: Introduction to Auto-ID -- Auto-ID technology will change the world by merging bits and atoms together to form one seamless network that interacts with the real world in real time. Physical objects will have embedded intelligence that will allow them to communicate with each other and with businesses and consumers. Auto-ID technology offers an automated, numeric system of smart objects that revolutionizes the way we manufacture, sell, and buy products. More

061102: Thinner chips with everything -- Engineers have crossed a symbolic barrier with a new way to make microchips with transistors that are a thousand times smaller than the width of a human hair or as small as a flu virus. More

050902: EZCHIP -- The EZchip network processor is not one, but two, generations ahead of leading industry solutions. Ezchip.com

170602: SCIENCE FICTION CLOSER TO FACT. -- IN a dramatic technological breakthrough, an Australian-based research team has teleported a message-encoded laser beam – bringing the science fiction fantasy of "beaming" humans from one place to another a step closer.Although Star Trek-style planet hopping is way into the future, teleporting – disassembling objects in one place while a perfect replica is created elsewhere – promises to revolutionise computing and communications over the next decade. (Bron: The Australian )

130602: NEW 'T-RAY' SPACE CAMERA ALSO SEES THROUGH CLOTHES WALLS. -- A new British science program aims to produce cameras for use in space that are so sensitive they will see through fog, smoke and even walls and clothing. (Bron: Space.com )

150502: MIT INVENTS VIDEOS OF PEOPLE SAYING THINGS THEY NEVER SAID -- CAMBRIDGE - Scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have created the first realistic videos of people saying things they never said - a scientific leap that raises unsettling questions about falsifying the moving image.More

030502: REMOTE CONTROL IN HAND, SCIENTISTS TURN RATS INTO LIVING ROBOTS -- Scientists for the first time have managed to remotely direct the movements of rats by using implanted electrodes to control their behaviour -- in effect transforming a living animal into a robot. (Bron: International Herald Tribune )
030502: NEW METHOD MAY TRANSFORM CELLS -- A team of scientists from Norway and the United States say they are developing a technique that transforms one type of cell from the body into another type without using cloning or embryonic stem cells.(Bron: WENT )

000502: ATONISHING 3D TECHNOLOGY MAY PRODUCE THE IMAGE OF THE BEAST. -- Fantastic new optical holographic technology can produce computer graphics (pictures and images) designed to appear as life-like, 3-D images that float on air. (Bron: Texe Marrs )
000502: BRAVE NEW WORLD: INTERACTIVE 3D. -- It sounds like science fiction but 3D images in space that we can alter with our hands and voices could soon become reality, thanks to an Anglo American alliance. Scientists from DERA (Defence Evaluation & Research Agency) in the UK have spent the last five years working closely with designers from the Ford Motor Company in the US to explore the potential. Not only could this technology revolutionise the way that Ford designs new cars, it also has a host of other applications. (Bron: Industrial technology )

220402: SNELSTE COMPUTER TER WERELD IN JAPAN -- NEW YORK -- Het Japanse bedrijf NEC heeft 's werelds snelste computer gebouwd. Het vermogen van het apparaat staat gelijk aan de gecombineerde kracht van de twintig snelste Amerikaanse computers. Het Japanse superrekenmachien is vijf keer sneller dan de vorige recordhouder van IBM.
De Amerikanen gebruiken de supercomputer om wapens en de effecten daarvan te meten, aldus The Observer zaterdag. In Japan wordt het apparaat gebruikt om het weer te voorspellen. Volgens de krant geeft dit verschillende gebruik goed aan welk land waar bang voor is. (Bron: ANP)

260202: CHIP ADVANCES CHASE MOORE'S LAW -- SAN FRANCISCO -- Not every week brings exciting news for fans of semiconductors, but this week is one that all electrical engineering majors are sure to relish. More

170202: AMERICA'S LASER OF DEATH CLEARER FOR TAKE-OFF -- AMERICA'S enemies will soon face a weapon, once confined to the Star Wars films, that can bring death at the speed of light. More

060202: PERSONAL 'JETPACK' GETS OFF GROUND -- (CNN) -- It may only hover a few feet above the Earth right now, but the inventor of the SoloTrek XFV hopes that one day it will allow people to swoop and dive at distances comparable to a small airplane. More

300102: CHIP COULD CREATE MASS_PRODUCED CLONES -- A chip that will automatically create hundreds of cloned embryos at a time is being developed by a Californian biotech company, New Scientist has learned. More

230102: HP SAYS ATOM-SIZED COMPUTER A LOT CLOSER -- SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Hewlett-Packard Co.HWP.N and University of California scientists have patented a process they said on Wednesday would eventually help turn out powerful computers which fit on the head of a pin with room to spare. More

030102: BIONIC EYES -- Rods and Cones. Millions of them are in the back of every healthy human eye. They are biological solar cells in the retina that convert light to electrical impulses -- impulses that travel along the optic nerve to the brain where images are formed. More

001201: E-BOMB -- In the blink of an eye, electromagnetic bombs could throw civilization back 200 years. And terrorists can build them for $400. More

281101: BIOLOGICAL SOFTWARE FOR COMPUTERS OF THE FUTURE -- Researchers from the Weizmann Institute in Rehovot and the Technion in Haifa have developed a computer so tiny that a trillion of them could fit into a laboratory test tube. The "computers" are biological molecules, using DNA for software and enzymes for hardware, and can solve a billion mathematical problems a second. More

091101: BELL LABS SCIENTISTS BUILD THE WORLD'S SMALLEST TRANSISTOR, PAVING THE WAY FOR"NANOELECTRONICS" -- Transistor action in a single organic molecule may lead to more powerful and lower-cost computer chipsMore

021101: JAPAN DEVELOPING SATELLITE TO BEAM BACK SOLAR POWER TO EARTH -- Japan plans to develop a satellite fitted with solar panels that would send energy back to the earth, a newspaper reported Tuesday. The National Space Development Agency, which hopes to launch an experimental version of the satellite between 2005 and 2007, has asked 2 teams of private companies to submit design proposals by the end of January, the Nihon Keizai financial daily said. More
021101: YOUR OWN DIGITAL DOUBLE IMAGE &MORE BIBLE PROPHECY INFO -- No matter how many different gadgets and technologies you use to keep in touch with friends and family, soon you could be using one digital double to represent you on all of them. British technology company Digimask has developed a method for creating a virtual twin that can be used to accompany text messages on mobile phones, turn e-mail messages into personalised greetings, act as an animated screensaver on your desktop PC, and even represent you in online game worlds. More

200901: NO HIDING PACE FOR ANYONE -- Embedded in bank notes or designer labels, the "mu-chip" can beep out the owner's location and details to marketers and thieves alike. More

120901: FUJITSU DEBUTS HUMANOID ROBOT -- By Cosmiverse -- Fujitsu's latest robot is ready to stand on its own two feet. On Monday, the company began selling a two-legged humanoid robot designed to serve as a test bed for research into more advanced robotic technologies. More

270701: NETWORKS GET TO KNOW YOUR WHEREABOUTS -- By BBC News Online technology correspondent Mark Ward -- A small British company is working on software that could ease the trauma caused by your phone or handheld computer being stolen or going missing. More

260701: NEW STABILIZATION SYSTEM BRINGS UNMANNED HELICOPTERS TO JOURNALISM, LAW ENFORCEMENT, AGRICULTURE, UTILITIES. -- HAIFA, Israel and NEW YORK, N.Y., July 23, 2001 — Piloting a helicopter can be like busting a bucking bronco. Pilots must battle the helicopter's innate tendency to accelerate in any direction, especially when hovering. Keeping a remote-controlled helicopter stable is an even more difficult task that requires expensive equipment and a ground operator with extensive training. As a result, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have been mostly limited to the military and the movie industry. More

130601: MINI-ROBOT INVENTED THAT SWIMS ALONG BLOOD VESSELS -- A robot mole that can swim along blood vessels and burrow into tissue to deliver drugs or lance tumours has been successfully tested. The machine, slightly bigger than a grain of rice and shaped like a corkscrew, passed through a 2cm thick chunk of beef steak in 20 seconds.More

210501: NEW TECH JOINS BRAINS, COMPUTERS -- Researchers at NASA's Ames Research Center are in talks with several companies to market a new technology that marries the human nervous system with computers. More on discovery

000501: ISRAEL, U.S. LAUNCH STUDY ON TACTICAL LASER -- TEL AVIV [MENL] -- Israel and the United States have launched a study to explore the feasibility of a mobile tactical high-energy laser weapon. Israeli and U.S. officials said the study will assess whether there is sufficient technology to develop a mobile system as well as areas for development and validation tests.More

140501: COMPUTERGEBRUIKERS KRIJGEN MISSCHIEN BINNENKORT 3-D SCHERMEN. -- SINGAPORE (Reuters) -- Computergebruikers zullen misschien binnenkort kunnen werken met computerschermen die een 3 dimensionaal effect vertonen.More

070501: TEAM MAAKT DE EERSTE QUANTUM COMPUTER CHIP -- NEW SOUTH WALES, Australië, 7 mei (UPI) -- Een team van wetenschappers uit de Verenigde Staten en Australië hebben een opmerkelijke prestatie geleverd -- het gecontroleerd aanbrengen van enkele fosforatomen op een silicium oppervlak om 's werelds eerste quantum computerchips te fabriceren.More

230401: INTEL RELEASESS PENTIUM 4 -- DEBUT OF FASTEST MICROPROCESSOR COULD SPARK PRICE WAR WITH RIVALS -- NEW YORK (CNNfn) - Intel Corp., the world's largest chipmaker, introduced its much-awaited Pentium 4 processor Monday, at 1.7 GHz the company's highest-performance microprocessor for desktops, in a move that could ignite a price war with its competitors. More on CNN
230401: BIRD-BRAIN TRANSPLANT EXPERIMENT SUCCEEDS -- Scientists have carried out a "brain transplant" on chickens to make them respond to quail calls and not their own mothers. Both species make calls to their chicks which the young birds instinctively respond to. But when embryonic quail cells were transplanted into chicken embryos the birds responded to quail calls once they hatched. The work may help establish which brain connections are responsible for processing sound. Researcher Evan Balaban, of the City University of New York, will report his experiment in an upcoming issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Bird-song researcher Masakazu Konishi, of the California Institute of Technology, told InScight: "The ability to transplant is a very remarkable achievement, but the next stage is to figure out what circuits are involved." More

180401: HIGH TECH COP TOOLS SEE THROUGH WALLS -- Spearheading a trend that could forever change law enforcement, engineers are developing tools that use novel forms of radar to see through walls and doors and detect the presence of living beings. The tools are designed to decrease risks incurred by police who must enter premises to flush out suspects.More

160401: RUSSIANS CLAIM FIRST 'BRAIN' COMPUTER -- Volgens een bericht van Interfax beweren Russische wetenschappers dat ze de eerste kunstmatige hersenen, een "neuro-computer", hebben ontwikkeld met hetzelfde verstandelijke vermogen als zijn menselijke tegenhanger. Meer (engelstalig)


Visual science by freeing the image to be viewed in a free-floating spatial context. More

110401: THE SUPERCHIP -- NEW TECHNOLOGY ALLOWS FASTER, SMALLER CHIPS -- Engineers say they have found a breakthrough way to make "superchips" that will allow computers to keep getting faster and more powerful — and allow previously unimaginable innovations in medicine, science and consumer electronics. Meer (engelstalig)

150301: TWO BECOME ONE: GIANT TELESCOPES LINKED -- The US space agency, Nasa, has linked together the two largest optical telescopes in the world to create the equivalent of a single telescope with a diameter of 85 metres (279 feet). More


Moller International has developed the first and only feasible, personally affordable, personal vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) vehicle the world has ever seen. More

070301: NEVER MIND THE SCOOTER -- (CBS) -- No one's yet succeeded in prying loose the details of the secret project under development by Manchester, New Hampshire, inventor Dean Kamen, code-named "Ginger" and "IT" and in January widely believed to be a new kind of scooter that would be more than a toy.But a new report suggests the engine that powers the scooter, and not the scooter itself, may be the thing that's truly revolutionary. More on CBS News

250201: SCIENTISTS CRAFT MOUSE WITH HUMAN BRAIN CELLS -- By Andrew Quinn -- SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - U.S. researchers have produced laboratory mice with human brain cells, marking a potential step toward developing treatments for human brain disease like Alzheimer's but promising to fuel fresh debate over the evolving ethics of bioengineering. More

230201: MARINE CORPS TIMES REPORTS ON SECRET WEAPON PROGRAM -- The Marine Corps is preparing to unveil perhaps the biggest breakthrough in weapons technology since the atomic bomb — a nonlethal weapon that fires directed energy at human targets. More

160201: NIEUWE CHIP KAN, NAAR MEN ZEGT, DE INHOUD VAN DE HELE BRITSE BIBLIOTHEEK BEVATTEN. -- (IDG) -- Een professor aan de Keele universiteit in Staffordshire, Engeland beweert dat hij een geheugenchip heeft uitgevonden die zoveel informatie kan bevatten dat de inhoud van de Britse bibliotheek op een enkele chip kan worden opgeslagen. Meer in een artikel van CNN

150201: WETENSCHAPPERS ONTWIKKELEN KUNSTMATIGE "HUID" -- Een zichzelf herstellende plastic "huid" is door Amerikaanse wetenschappers ontwikkeld en getest. Het "slimme" type plastic, dat wanneer het gescheurd of gebroken wordt vanzelf weer samengroeit, kan op een dag gebruikt worden voor het maken van kunstmatige organen. Meer op de BBC

120201: NASA CRAFT CRASH-LANDS ON ASTEROID -- The NEAR-Shoemaker spacecraft has survived a crash landing on the surface of the asteroid Eros, CNN has learned. The craft had already given scientists their closest-ever look at an asteroid as it snapped pictures during its landing descent. More on CNN


Farwell Brain Fingerprinting is a revolutionary new technology for investigating crimes and exonerating innocent suspects, with a record of 100% accuracy in research on FBI agents, research with US government agencies, and field applications. The technology is proprietary and patented. Brain Fingerprinting fulfills an urgent need for government, law enforcement agencies, corporations, and individuals. Over a trillion dollars are spent annually on crime fighting worldwide. More

090201: STRANGE NEW INVENTION REPORTED -- Book proposal adds to 'IT' mystery. Invention said to be bigger than PCs and the Internet — Harvard Business School Press executive editor Hollis Heimbouch has just paid $250,000 for a book about IT — but neither the editor nor the agent, Dan Kois of The Sagalyn Literary Agency, knows what IT is. Read on

231100: NANOCOPTERS KOMEN VAN DE TEKENTAFEL. -- De eerste microscopisch kleine "helikopters", die op een dag medische taken binnenin het lichaam kunnen gaan uitvoeren, zijn door wetenschappers gebouwd en proef "gevlogen". De apparaatjes, niet groter dan een virusdeeltje, zouden uiteindelijk in het menselijk lichaam kunnen bewegen en medische taken uit gaan voeren, bijv het toedienen van medicijnen. Meer kunt u hier lezen in een (engelstalig) artikel van de BBC

171100: DE PENTIUM 4 AANSTAANDE MAANDAG GELANCEERD ! -- By MAY WONG, Associated Press SAN FRANCISCO (Nov 17, 2000 7:10 p.m. EST http://www.nandotimes.com) - Intel Corp. is set to introduce its long-awaited turbo-charged Pentium 4 chip Monday, reclaiming from rival Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. the title as maker of the fastest chip in the personal computer market. The new microprocessor gives the Santa Clara-based chip giant bragging rights and gives computer users a faster, visually richer experience. More here

De kleinste gitaar op aarde is 10 micron lang, ongeveer de grootte van een menselijk witte bloedcel--de perfekte afmeting voor een bacteriologische rock star. Elk van zijn zes siliciumsnaren is slechts een verbazingwekkende 100 atomen breed. Natuurlijk is deze "nanogitaar" nooit bedoeld om bespeeld te worden; je kunt het zelfs niet eens zien zonder een elektronenmicroscoop. Het werd gemaakt door onderzoekers in de "Cornell University Nanofabrication Facility" om te demonstreren hoe klein mechanische apparaten kunnen worden gemaakt. Nanotechnologie is de technologie van het kleine. Het is afgeleid van het Griekse woord voor dwerg en de nano is gelijk aan 10-9. Dus een nanometer is éénmiljardste meter en een virus is bijna 100 nanometer breed. De term nanotechnologie wordt gebruikt om een hele reeks van theoretische en experimentele benaderingen te beschrijven voor het construeren van kleine apparaten. Alles van het maken van kleinere microchips (de Intel Pentium processor heeft al onderdelen welke afmetingen hebben van ongeveer 350 micron) tot het voorzien in moleculaire robots die door onze bloedstromen kunnen gaan en ziektes bestrijden. Voor meer info en afbeeldingen bezoekt u de volgende (engelstalige) site.

060600: (Uit het Algemeen Dagblad van 6 mrt 2000:)
London: Britse wetenschappers werken aan een super-internet, voorlopig 'The Grid' genoemd, dat miljoenen keren krachtiger zal zijn dan alles wat nu beschikbaar is- en veel makkelijker te gebruiken'. Dit meldt de 'Financial Times' zaterdag. Het systeem moet binnen enkele seconden alle informatie vinden die wereldwijd op computers over een bepaald onderwerp beschikbaar is. De Grid gebruiker heeft geen zoekmachines nodig en geen links aan te klikken. Dat zoekwerk wordt gedaan door ingebouwde software. Het onderzoek wordt uitgevoerd samen met Cern, het centrum voor Europees atoomonderzoek in Zwitserland. Aanleiding voor de ontwikkeling van Grid is de bouw van de deeltjesversneller LHC die in 2005 in bedrijf komt. Met de LHC willen wetenschappers beter begrijpen hoe het universum in elkaar zit. De bij de botsingen van bouwstenen van atomen vergaarde gegevens worden wereldwijd geanalyseerd aan 150 universiteiten. Dat vergt 100 tot 1000 keer zoveel rekenwerk als Cern nu aankan. De behoefte van de wetenschap heeft eerst geleid tot internet en later tot het web." Nu creëert de e-science de volgende generatie internet", zegt John Taylor, directeur-generaal van de Britse research raad.

040600: WETENSCHAPPERS CLAIMEN DAT ZE DE ULTIEME SNELHEIDSBARRIÈRE HEBBEN DOORBROKEN: DE SNELHEID VAN HET LICHT -- In onderzoek dat in de VS is uitgevoerd hebben natuurkundigen aangetoond dat lichtpulsen tot 300 maal hun normale snelheid van 186.000 mijlen/sec kunnen worden versneld. De betekenis hiervan gaat alle voorstelling te boven. Het zou betekenen dat het licht op de plaats van bestemming komt bijna voordat het begint met uitzenden. Feitelijk betekent dit dat het licht een sprong in de tijd maakt. De exacte details van het onderzoek blijven vooralsnog vertrouwelijk omdat ze voorgelegd zijn aan het internationale wetenschappelijke tijdschrift Nature met het oog op mogelijke publicatie van de resultaten van dit onderzoek. Voor een link naar dit (engelstalig) artikel in de Sunday Times klik hier.

030600: IBM COMPUTER TO SPEED GENETIC STUDIES -- Dit is het plan: Wetenschappers bij IBM zijn van plan om in vijf jaar tijd s' werelds snelste computer te bouwen. Één die 500 maal sneller is dan de snelste computer op dit moment. Click hier voor het volledige (engelstalige) artikel uit de Washington Post.

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