Matteüs 24:7-9: 7 Want volk zal opstaan tegen volk, en koninkrijk tegen koninkrijk , en er zullen nu hier, dan daar, hongersnoden en aardbevingen zijn. 8 Doch dat alles is het begin der weeën.

Één van de voorspellingen uit de bergrede van Jezus betreft een toename in het aantal en hevigheid van aardbevingen (weeën). Dit kunt u ook regelmatig in het nieuws vernemen en de verwachting is dat binnen niet onafzienbare tijd het nieuws volledig beheerst zal gaan worden door deze en andere natuurrampen, precies zoals dat voorspeld is in het Nieuwe Testament. Let op dat er gesproken wordt over het 'begin der weeën'. Een andere duidelijk waarneembare indicatie dat het Koninkrijk van Jezus Christus nabij is.

Meest recente aardbevingen bovenaan. (vanaf 02 januari)

291210: VANUATU hit by a 6.6 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

281210: SOUTH OF THE FIJI ISLANDS hit by a 6.3 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

261210: VANUATU hit by a 6.2 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

251210: VANUATU REGION hit by a 7.3 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

231210: NEAR ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS hit by a 6.3 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

221210: BONIN ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION hit by a 6.4 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

201210: SOUTHEASTERN IRAN hit by a 6.7 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

151210: KEPULAUAN BARAT DAYA, INDONESIA hit by a 6.0 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

131210: BOUGAINVILLE REGION, P.N.G. hit by a 6.2 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

081210: SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION hit by a 6.3 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )
081210: hit by a 6.3 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

021210: NEW BRITAIN REGION, PAPUA NEW GUINEA hit by a 6.6 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

011210: FIJI REGION hit by a 6.1 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

301110: BONIN ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION hit by a 6.8 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

260910: KEPULAUAN KAI, INDONESIA hit by a 6.0 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

170910: HINDU KUSH REGION, AFGHANISTAN hit by a 6.3 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

090910: OFFSHORE BIO-BIO, CHILE hit by a 6.2 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

080910: VANUATU hit by a 6.3 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

070910: FIJI REGION hit by a 6.3 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

040910: TONGA hit by a 6.1 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

030910: SOUTH ISLAND OF NEW ZEALAND hit by a 7.0 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )
030910: ANDREANOF ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN IS., ALASKA hit by a 6.5 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

140810: MARIANA ISLANDS REGION hit by a 6.3 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

130810: MARIANA ISLANDS REGION hit by a 7.2 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

120810: ECUADOR hit by a 7.1 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

110810: VANUATU hit by a 6.0 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

100810: VANUATU hit by a 7.3 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

040810: EAST OF THE KURIL ISLANDS hit by a 6.0 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )
040810: NEW BRITAIN REGION, PAPUA NEW GUINEA hit by a 7.0 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )
040810: ANDREANOF ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN IS., ALASKA hit by a 6.4 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )
040810: NEW BRITAIN REGION, PAPUA NEW GUINEA hit by a 6.5 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )
040810: SOUTH OF FIJI ISLANDS hit by a 6.0 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

030810: MOLUCCA SEA hit by a 6.3 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

300710: OFF THE EAST COAST OF KAMCHATKA, RUSSIA hit by a 6.3 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

290710: MORO GULF, MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES hit by a 6.6 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

240710: MORO GULF, MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES hit by a 6.6 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

230710: MORO GULF, MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES hit by a 7.4 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )
230710: MORO GULF, MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES hit by a 7.6 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )
230710: MORO GULF, MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES hit by a 7.3 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

220710: VANUATU hit by a 6.1 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

210710: NORTH OF HALMAHERA, INDONESIA hit by a 6.1 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

200710: NEW BRITAIN REGION, PAPUA NEW GUINEA hit by a 6.3 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

180710: FOX ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS, ALASKA hit by a 6.0 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )
180710: NEW BRITAIN REGION, PAPUA NEW GUINEA hit by a 7.3 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )
180710: NEW BRITAIN REGION, PAPUA NEW GUINEA hit by a 6.9 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )
180710: FOX ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS, ALASKA hit by a 6.6 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

170610: SOUTH OF THE KERMADEC ISLANDS hit by a 6.0 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

160610: NEAR THE NORTH COAST OF PAPUA, INDONESIA hit by a 6.6, 7.0, and 6.2 earthquakes today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

120610: NICOBAR ISLANDS, INDIA REGION hit by a 7.5 earthquakes today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

090610: VANUATU hit by a 6.0 earthquakes today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

310510: ANDAMAN ISLANDS, INDIA REGION hit by a 6.4 earthquakes today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

270510: VANUATU hit by a 6.4 and 7.1 earthquakes today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

260510: SOUTHEAST OF THE RYUKYU ISLANDS hit by a 6.5 earthquakes today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

250510: NORTHERN MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE hit by a 6.3 earthquakes today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

240510: ACRE, BRAZIL hit by a 6.5 earthquakes today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

230510: CENTRAL PERU hit by a 6.1 earthquakes today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

190510: PACIFIC-ANTARCTIC RIDGE hit by a 6.0 earthquakes today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )
190510: PACIFIC-ANTARCTIC RIDGE hit by a 6.0 earthquakes today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )
190510: NORTHERN PERU hit by a 6.0 earthquakes today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

090510: NORTHERN SUMATRA, INDONESIA hit by a 7.2 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

060510: OFFSHORE TARAPACA, CHILE hit by a 6.2 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

050510: SOUTHERN SUMATRA, INDONESIA hit by a 6.6 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

030510: OFFSHORE BIO-BIO, CHILE hit by a 6.3 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )
030510: IZU ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION hit by a 6.1 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

300410: BERING SEA hit by a 6.3 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )
300410: BERING SEA hit by a 6.5 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

260410: SOUTHEAST OF TAIWAN hit by a 6.5 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

240410: KEPULAUAN OBI, INDONESIA hit by a 6.0 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

230410: BIO-BIO, CHILE hit by a 6.0 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

210410: TONGA hit by a 6.1 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

170410: EASTERN NEW GUINEA REG, PAPUA NEW GUINEA hit by a 6.2 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )
170410: hit by a 6.2 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

050410: Two killed, 100 injured in Mexican earthquake More
050410: MOLUCCA SEA hit by a 6.2 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

300310: ANDAMAN ISLANDS, INDIA REGION hit by a 6.6 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

280310: OFFSHORE MAULE, CHILE hit by a 6.0 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

260310: ATACAMA, CHILE hit by a 6.3 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

250310: MINDORO, PHILIPPINES hit by a 6.0 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

200310: NEW IRELAND REGION, PAPUA NEW GUINEA hit by a 6.6 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

160310: OFFSHORE BIO-BIO, CHILE hit by a 6.7 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

150310: OFFSHORE MAULE, CHILE hit by a 6.2 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

140310: NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN hit by a 6.5 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )
140310: KEPULAUAN OBI, INDONESIA hit by a 6.4 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

110310: LIBERTADOR O HIGGINS, CHILE hit by a 6.0 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )
110310: OFFSHORE LIBERTADOR O HIGGINS, CHILE hit by a 6.7 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )
110310: OFFSHORE LIBERTADOR O HIGGINS, CHILE hit by a 6.9 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

080310: MAUG ISLANDS REG., NORTHERN MARIANA ISL. hit by a 6.1 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )
080310: EASTERN TURKEY hit by a 6.1 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

270210: Tsunami in Chili na aardbeving -- Autoriteiten melden 76 doden, Tsunami-alarm uitgebreid -- SANTIAGO - Het dodental door de 8.8 zware aardbeving in Chili is opgelopen tot zeker 214. Dat maakte de nationale noodhulpdienst Onemi zaterdag bekend... Meer
270210: Aardbeving treft uiterste zuiden Japan Meer

220210: TONGA REGION hit by a 6.0 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

180210: CHINA-RUSSIA-NORTH KOREA BORDER REGION hit by a 6.9 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

150210: KEPULAUAN BARAT DAYA, INDONESIA hit by a 6.2 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

130210: TONGA hit by a 6.1 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

090210: TONGA hit by a 6.0 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

070210: SOUTHWESTERN RYUKYU ISLANDS, JAPAN hit by a 6.3 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

060210: KURIL ISLANDS hit by a 6.0 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

050210: SOUTHEAST INDIAN RIDGE hit by a 6.2 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

010210: BOUGAINVILLE REGION, PAPUA NEW GUINEA hit by a 6.2 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )
010210: hit by a 6.2 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

190110: Quake hits off Cayman Islands. More

170110: Earthquake strikes off coast of Argentina. More

140110: SOUTH OF THE MARIANA ISLANDS hit by a 6.0 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

130110: 7.0 quake hits Haiti; 'Serious loss of life' expected. More

100110: OFFSHORE NORTHERN CALIFORNIA hit by a 6.5 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

090110: SOLOMON ISLANDS hit by a 6.2 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

050110: SOLOMON ISLANDS hit by a 6.0 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )
050110: SOLOMON ISLANDS hit by a 6.8 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )
050110: EAST OF THE SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS hit by a 6.8 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

030110: SOLOMON ISLANDS hit by a 7.1 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )
030110: SOLOMON ISLANDS hit by a 6.6 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )

020110: MARIANA ISLANDS REGION hit by a 6.1 earthquake today. No details available. ( Source: NEIC )
